Monday, April 16, 2012

Slideshow Revision Strategy

After reading my instructor's feedback, I have to make a title slide in my slideshow script.  I have a title, but I don't have it in my table.  Also, I should think about finding a new picture for my first slide since I use it at the end, but I'm having trouble finding good pictures so I will see what I can do.  I have already fixed my image reference list to put them in the order they are shown and I found an example of cloud labor and explained and commented more after my sources so it isn't source after source.  

After reading my peer's feedback, I should say my name at the beginning of my slideshow so the audience knows who I am.  I should get rid of the one stumble in my speech so that it's totally smooth.  Also, I have a references slide in my slideshow, and I don't need that, so I will have to delete that.  I should consider having a slide that says thank you and maybe has the title of the book listed, although I do have a picture of the book on a slide.  

These peer reviews will definitely help because I didn't notice all these things that I could fix before.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Slideshow ethos/pathos/logos

1) Boystown Prostitution Slideshow
-ethos - he gives oral citations like "according to"  and uses a lot of percentages like 20% (show pic of a graph)
-logos - He gives an example of a male and female prostitute in the beginning and logically shows that male prostitutes look like everyday people
-pathos - he shows a picture of a guy using drugs which is emotional

2) Supermoon Slideshow
-ethos - he gives oral citations like according to Jack Chester of U.S. laboratory
-logos - says that moon will look bigger than normal especially when by horizon because it's closer to earth
-pathos - shows pic of houses under water during natural disaster - strikes emotions (he does clarify that these supermoons don't always cause natural disaster); shows pic of really big moon - makes audience gaze in wonder

How do you use those three appeals? 
ethos - I use alot of oral citations like according to John Winsor, etc.
pathos - I show pictures of a child at a drinking fountain in Africa and poverty in Africa, which are emotional to the reader
logos- I logically show how crowdsourcing can benefit a company (save money and innovate) and third world countries (let people know where nearest hospital is, when water is coming next, etc.)

Which do you think you rely on the most, given your topic and purpose in the slideshow? 
I think I rely mostly on Ethos, I cite alot of stuff from John Winsor and for example.  I think that helps my credibility though, since I myself have not engaged in crowdsourcing.  These sources help inform the reader on how crowdsourcing is another form of outsourcing and how it can benefit them and poor countries as well.

Which of the rhetorical devices mentioned in the slideshow prompt do you use?
I don't really see any rhetorical devices in my slideshow.  I don't use an anecdote, or emotive language, parallel language etc.  That is probably something I should work on then to make my slideshow more interesting.  Because right now I kind of just state the facts.  I think my tone and intonation were pretty good though, I think I sound interested in my topic and vary my voice.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Podcast and Slideshow Titles


1) Outsourcing and the Entrepreneur (noun phrase)
2) How to Outsource in Small Businesses (how to fragment)
3) Outsourcing: Beneficial for the Entrepreneur? (question)

-which best serves audience? – I think all of them work for the audience, because the audience for the podcast is small business owners or entrepreneurs, and all the titles mention the audience in them.

-which will I choose? – I’m not sure yet which one I will choose, I like the “Outsourcing and the Entrepreneur” one the best right now. I think it’s vague enough so that it sparks the interest of the reader.


1) Crowdsourcing for Your Business (noun phrase)
2) Crowdsourcing: Beneficial for Your Business? (question)
3) Crowdsourcing: The Alternative to Outsourcing (noun phrase)

-which best serves audience? – I like the last title because if the audience isn’t a fan of outsourcing, I think they will be intrigued to read the article because it’s about an alternative to outsourcing.

-which will I choose? I think I would choose the last title for the reason stated above.