Saturday, January 28, 2012

The current issue I wrote about previously in Week One was the pros and cons of domestic and international outsourcing.  My connection to this topic is that I am majoring in Business Management, and I read about outsourcing  in my Management 101 class. 
Here is the research question I first came up with.
1)      What are the pros and cons of domestic and international outsourcing for the U.S.?
After reading the articles on narrowing and broadening my question, here are some new questions.
                             2)  How does outsourcing affect the average American worker today?
                            3)  Is outsourcing a good activity for U.S. business owners to engage in today?
                             4)  What are the pros and cons of outsourcing?
                             5)  What are the impacts of domestic and international outsourcing on the U.S.?
In my questions, I am not sure whether I should talk about only domestic or international outsourcing, so I don’t know if you had an opinion on that?


  1. I know I am not the teacher, but I think you should talk about International outsourcing because we do international outsourcing more so than domestic outsourcing.

    Try looking into the Free Trade Agreement for a possible source to help you :)

  2. At this point in the research process, I think it's okay that you look at both because they are two different types of outsourcing. So, your main topic is outsourcing and the types (domestic and international) fall under that "umbrella." For the proposal topic, outsourcing as a whole would be your focus, similar to the classroom management student sample we discussed in class that didn't identify a specific age group or teaching environment. That sample just noted the different types exist, like how you would identify there's different types of outsourcing. For the webtext, which we'll talk more about next class period, you'll need to have a more specific focus.

    I hope that clears things up, and please let me know if you have more questions! You did a good job with this writing journal as well, and have completed this post.
