Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3/18 - podcast/printed essay

A Podcast Text has headings like Intro, Opening, Content, and Conclusion.  This is so that if the reader just wants to look at the intro for a basic rundown, they can.  People don’t usually read all the text on a webpage.  The first line of text in each paragraph is not indented, and the paragraphs are single spaced.  This is how text on websites is laid out.  Also, the sentences in a podcast text are relatively short in order to keep the listener’s attention.  If the sentences are really long and wordy, then it’s hard for the listener to follow along.

A printed essay has an intro, body, and conclusion as well, but headings are not included.  The first lines of text in each paragraph are indented, and the paragraphs are usually double-spaced.  The sentences vary in length.  A printed essay is different in these ways because the audience is going to read straight through the whole essay.  So they don’t need headings because they aren’t going to skip anything.  Sentences vary in length so that the paper flows smoothly and the reader doesn’t get bored.  The text is double spaced because it’s a little bit easier to read that way. 

The text in a podcast and a printed essay both have an intro, body, and conclusion.  The text in essence is the same, like using the same arguments and content, it’s just the layout that’s different like mentioned above.

1 comment:

  1. You've brought up some excellent points, but printed essays are sometimes more effective when they use headings. It depends on the length and depth of the piece though.

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